Choose Needs to be Addressed
Designing your Implementation Strategy: It's time to craft a plan to take action! Start by identifying the significant health needs you will address.
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Step 1: Choose Significant Needs to Address
In the assess and prioritize phases, you identified the significant health needs in your community and prioritized the needs that are the most important to you, your organization and your community. However, your capacity as an organization may prevent you from implementing programs that address all significant health needs.
Use the results from your prioritization session to select the list of needs you plan to address.
Step 2: Justify Significant Needs You Don't Plan to Address
Provide a justification or explanation for significant needs in your community that you do not plan to address.
Here are a few sample justifications to consider:
- Other needs deemed a higher priority to address (look to prioritization outcomes)
- Issue being addressed by other facilities or organizations in the community
- Hospital does not have expertise/competencies to address the issue effectively
- Insufficient resources (financial/personnel)
- Lack of evidence-based interventions
- Issue not a priority for community members
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